Product details of Handmade two layers hard ball for cricket_ Cricket hard ball in Pakistan
- 2 Piece Quality cricket hardball
- Handmade ball with economical price in Pakistan
- High quality Leader hardball
- Highly Visible in field
- Available in different weight and sizes
Making core of the ball by cork and compressed it a dense and
resilient center·
The size and weight of the core between 2.5 and 2.8 ounces.·
The core surrounded by two layers of leather·
The outer layer smooth and polished, while the inner layer rough
and unpolished·
The two layers stitched together using six rows of stitches.·
Available color of the ball red but white and pink balls used in
some formats of the game·
A cricket ball harder than a regular ball used in other sports·
The seam of the ball raised ridge·
The weight of a two-layer cricket hard ball between 5.5 and 5.75
ounces -
Specifications of Handmade two layers hard ball for cricket_ Cricket hard ball in Pakistan
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